A survey using covid 19 health assessment scale

COVID-19 Survey


Count: 95

Consent: Dear Participant, this questionnaire includes 4 domains related to Physical Health, Mental Health, Coping strategies and Lifestyle. Your response to each question is based on the options available and you can choose any one or for some questions more than one answer. Please read the questions carefully and your honest response will be appreciated.The data collected will be used for research purposes only and the confidentiality of the collected data will be maintained strictly

I agree to take part in this survey on my own without any coercion or use of force. I authorize the Investigators to use this data in the manner described above respecting my confidentiality.

Instructions: Below are statements that elicit your ideas and views about the novel corona virus disease pandemic. These statements reflect thoughts about the covid19 infection prevailing in the media and among the population. There are no right or wrong answers. Kindly select the answer against each question that best suits you.

Corona Risk Assessment

(Please ignore if you do not have any)

(Please ignore if not applicable)

1.Physical Health

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For converting feet to meters Click Here

(Please ignore if not applicable)

2.Mental Health

3. Coping Strategies


Tick all that apply.

Tick all that apply.

(Please ignore if not using any) Tick all that apply


(Please ignore if not using any)


(Please ignore if not using any)


(Please ignore if not using any)


(Please ignore if not using any)


(Please ignore if not using any)